If anyone has biographical information, stories, pictures or anthing else that would be of interest for this site please contact me. azrielgo at gmail

Also, if anyone would like author rights to this site to help complete the information and maybe add some new stuff, please email me.

updated: 5/4/2023

Rabbi Yitzchok Menachem Weinberg, Tolner Rebbe of Jerusalem


  1. he looks like a gerer chosid

  2. I am a tolner chassid from Philadelphia who nows lives in Israel. How do you contact R, Yitchak

  3. R. David Hazan 10, Jerusalem. home: 02 582 5543. Gabai: 052 761 6333

  4. Aryeh, I am not a chasid at all but I needed a bracha for a such family member and I just showed up at that David hazan address at mincha time and caught the rebbe between mincha and maariv and got a very warm bracha. Just walk in.

  5. I was sitting on the train and someone opposite me was coughing really hard, before I got a chance to move to another seat. I would like to know whether I caught the corona virus? My email address is Financ71@gmail.com.

    Thank you
    Tzvi hersh Ben Chaya Rivka
